self-serving bias中文

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self-serving bias - 自利偏差self-serving bias - 自利偏差 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙 › detail關於精選摘要動機性偏差- MBA智库百科自利偏差(Self-serving bias),這種偏差的主要表現是:把自己的成功歸結為內在 ... 取自" ... 全球专业中文经管百科,由121,994位网友共同编写而成,共计428,989个条目. | [PDF] Self-Serving Bias - University of Southampton*Elig, T. W., & Frieze, I. H. (1979). Measuring causal attributions for success and failure. Journal of. Personality and Social Psychology, 37, 621–634.Better, Stronger, Faster Self-Serving Judgment, Affect Regulation ...Threat (operationalized with instructions that made relationship dissolution seem especially likely) was found to increase this couple-serving bias (Rusbult et al., ...Beyond self-serving bias: diffusion of responsibility reduces sense of ...Beyond self-serving bias: diffusion of responsibility reduces sense of agency and outcome monitoring ... Email; Twitter; Facebook; More ... or merely triggers a post- hoc bias in reports of responsibility, to preserve self-esteem. ... G.L.. (. 1995. ). Group influences upon preferences for personal protection: A simulation study.[PDF] 自利偏誤與自尊高低對人情事件記憶的影響 - 政治大學... 課程中心助理教授. 電子郵件:[email protected] ... Using a modified TST method, this study tested the role of self-serving bias played in participants' ... | 人類思維並不理性:談心理學3種認知偏誤- The News Lens 關鍵評論網2019年9月13日 · 標籤: 心理學, 認知偏誤, Cognitive Bias, 理性, 自利性偏誤, self-serving bias, 基本歸因偏誤, fundamental attribute error, 行動者-觀察者偏誤, ... twCognitive Biases(認知偏誤)筆記整理 - 八克里2012年6月23日 · 2. 但是自我中心偏誤(egocentric bias)除了簡單地將團體的功勞歸功於自己積極成果,並也帶著自私的偏見(self-serving bias)。

3. 自私的偏見(self- ...Attenuated self-serving bias in people with internet gaming disorder ...2020年10月20日 · To protect and maintain the positivity of self-concept, normal people usually show a self-serving bias (internal attribution of positive events and ... tw | twSelf-serving biases in person perception: A reexamination of ...A broadened interactional formulation of self-serving biases in person ... Adorno, T. W., Frenkel-Brunswik, E., Levinson, D. J., & Sanford, R. N. (1950). ... In H. H., Anderson,G. L. Anderson, (Eds.), An introduction to projective techniques.
